November 24, 2006, Newsletter Issue #92: Back to School: Psych-tips, Issue 4

Tip of the Week

My Tip of the Week: Procrastination

Think I`ll wait until later to write that paper (in my case, newsletter)... Oh no! It`s due, now!

Does this sound familiar? Procrastination is a common way of avoiding anything that is unpleasant or requires more mental resources than we have the time or inclination for. Although many claim that they work best under pressure, procrastination impedes your ability to do your best work. Overcome procrastination and you`ll find that you have the time to review and revise your work and turn out a better product. How do you defeat procrastination?

Make a list of all that needs to be done. Set priorities by numbering the items on your list in the order of their importance. Start with your number one priority and work your way down. Break large items/tasks (e.g., writing a paper) into smaller, more manageable components. Set realistic deadlines for each item or component item. Reward yourself (with a short break, a round of a video game, 15 minutes of web-surfing) after completing each item.

My Recommended Site of the Week

Not enough to satisfy your hunger to conquer the procrastination demon? Try this link:

Tara Kuther was once a master procrastinator until she learned how to set goals and reinforce her progress. While writing her dissertation, her reinforcer of choice was a chance to play Asteroids and take her frustrations out in space. By the time she defended her dissertation, she had earned a high score of 140,000 points! :)

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