Psychological Tips

When it comes to Psychological, we've been there, done that, now serving 259 tips in 15 categories ranging from *All New Tips to Students.

How do you improve your working memory?

Tips To Improve Working Memory

One of the most important aspects of a person's memory is their working memory. This function is what people use when they are reading, so it is vital that it works properly in order to effectively read from one page to the next and retain that information. In order to enhance this function, people can partake in games and problems that they can do from their very own home.

Chess is one of the best games in order to improve this function. When people play this game, they must be able to remember different offensive scenarios and then implement them on their opponent. This type of play requires working memory in order to be successful. By playing chess everyday, people can enhance their working memory in order to retain more information at one time.

People can also search online for tasks that they can do every day in order to train this function, which is great for those who want to be able to retain more information in one sitting.

What are some breathing tips for a panic attack?

Helpful Breathing Tips

When people have panic attacks, their breathing may be hindered. This problem is a stressful thing for anyone to experience, but there are techniques that people can use in order to alleviate this problem. When panic attacks occur, breathing techniques can be implemented.

First, people should take deep breaths in and then slowly exhale. By doing this, people will be able to enhance their intake of oxygen. Secondly, people should find a bag if their breathing continues to be hindered. Sometimes the bag can take their mind of their stress as they see it expand and then deflate, which is helpful if they are at work or school.

Also, people should make sure their posture is correct when doing these techniques in order to yield the best results. Whether people are stressed or are having a panic attack, these techniques can be useful. These tips can make a person feel better about their situation no matter what they are going through.

how do i deal with anger?

Get Assertive with Your Anger

We are often taught to supress our anger and
hold it inside. That's not healthy as it can lead to
high blood pressure, depression, and more.

Instead, express anger in assertive and appropriate
ways. Try these tips:

- acknoweldge angry feelings. Don't let them
accumulate and lead to a blow up.

- Talk about your anger with a friend or write
about it in a journal. Don't hold onto it.

- Don't act until you've had a chance to cool off and
think about the situatin and your response calmly.
- Try to forgive. While it is difficult, forgiveness
will help you to get over your anger and move past it.

How do I perform well on interviews?

Interview Tips

Have an interview? Try these tips

- Wear bright colors to set you apart from everyone else. Sure, most people wear blue or grey suits, but a red one will really set you apart. Plus it might unconsciously convince your interviewer that you're creative and outgoing.

- Don't cross your arms; that's a sign of disinterest. Instead, lean in toward the interviewer and try to communicate an easy going attitude.

- Ask questions. The most important thing you can do is to demonstrate your interest in the company and your interviewer by asking question. Get the interviewer to talk about herself and her career and she'll feel closer to you. Plus you'll learn whether this is a place that you'd like to be employed!

how do I improve my memory?

Remembering Your Point

If you have to speak during a meeting and you're terrified of forgetting some of your points, try jotting down one or two key words on a cue card or pad that will help you to summarize your ideas. The trick is not to write too much. You don't want to read it, but rather, you want it to jog your memory and keep you from forgetting important points. It is also much faster than reading through long notes

how do I remember appointments?

Remember Appointments

Have an appointment that you need to remember? Try to use all of your senses. Write the appointment down, then read it out loud. Use your eyes, ears, and your voice to ingrain the appointment and make it harder to forget.!

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Byron White